
Einbruch in Schule and Eier-Attacke on the highway: Salzgitter aufgepasst!

Vorfall Einbruch, Verkehrsunfall, Trunkenheit im Straßenverkehr
Uhrzeit 10:50
Ort Salzgitter-Lebenstedt, Salzgitter-Osterlinde, Salzgitter-Watenstedt, Salzgitter-Engelnstedt
Verletzte 2
Saxony in € 6000
Ursache Alcohol Flussung, Verkehrsunfall, Einbruch

In Salzgitter we are at Mittwoch, on October 30, 2024, with more Vorfällen, the police die on Trab heelten. Zwischen 4:00 PM and 8:30 PM Uhr drown unbekannte Täter, in een Schule an der Goethestraße einzubrechen. The einbrecher is dependent on a Fenster in the bäude, but not yet. A Zeugin gets to work on eating and reporting the Vorfall, for now a Strafverfahren a number of things.

Weniger Glück had an Autofahrer, which was below the road on the Autobahnbrücke A39 in Salzgitter-Osterlinde. You can carry out a heart purchase of the bridge and the protection of the wind protection in a safe manner. Glücklicherweise blieb is at Sachschäden and no one is wasted. Polizei und Geschädigte er Strafanzeigen erstattet und de Ermittlungen-laufen.

Take care of yourself Tag a traffic accident in Watenstedt, near these two people may be lost. A 50-year warranty on the Abbiegen-stehende sale and sale of a collision with two other horsepower would result in damage of 6,000 euros. This was the case on Thursday morning, a 57-year-old man in Berlin without Führerschein and without alcohol influss of the police; signal Atemalkoholtest ergab 1.42 Permille. This could be one of the punishments. Sows were bitten, please report to the Salzgitter Police via

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