Halloween vs. Reformation Day | Für und Wider des Gruselpasses

Halloween vs. Reformation Day | Für und Wider des Gruselpasses

Halloween at Night from 31. October to 1. Novemberalso began the Vorabend of Aller Saints.

For some, Halloween-bloß is a nightmare, for others it is a big arty Gruselvergnügen. Other children and young people find their fault in US importers, but can gain even more experiences if a Halloween party has not started. Dressed up as a Geister, Vampire or Hex, they can be seen on the night of October 31 in the house – and therefore celebrate two church celebrations: the Evangelical Reformation Day on October 31 and the Catholic All Saints’ Day on November 1.

A fragment of tradition

Gerade, Christian women and Christian women celebrate Halloween as fun. On November 1, Catholics commemorate the saints and celebrate the Halloween parties that often take place in the early mornings and winters. Dabei lie die Wurzeln von Halloween on the Catholic Most Holy Day. The first Irish Auswanderer brought Halloween – abgeleitet vom english “(All) Hallow’s Eve(ning)”, the Vorabend des Aller Heiligenfestes – in 19. Years in the USA, the festivities were always full of character entwickelte. It started in Germany with Halloween in 1945. Started in the 1990s with Halloween during the siege in Germany.

Gruesome parties

Seither am Abend des 31. Oktober Kinder in grusligen Verkleidungen von Tür zu Tür and betteln a “Süßes”, sonst gibt es “Saures”. See most of the decorations with a simple spider web and an excellent kürbisse, in the Fratzen hineingeschnitzt wurden. Auch ein Brauch, der zurückgeht the Irish tradition. It was noticeable that the religious Wurzeln of Halloween competed with the celebrations. So erwartete der Einzelhandel 2023, a study of the trade association received a compensation of 480 million euros during the war for Halloween.

Costume, Make-up, Grusel-Dekoration and the setting up of shaped wax goods since the Verkaufsschlager on October 31st. A Discotheken has the opportunity to organize new parties: you can organize Halloween parties, while the horror costs are high in the morning days.

Chocolates from the Evangelische Kirche

The Evangelische Kirche Mitteldeutschland (EKM) responds to the Halloween hype and experiences the Reformation Day and that is a “Night in the Church”, a youth following the traditions of its own inner events. In the umlaut were “Luther-Bonbons” in the Geschmacksrichtungen Zitrone and Orange. They are the children so gleich both: Süßes und Saures.

The churches hosted the Halloween spectacle with festive celebrations. The Catholics have been afraid, the commemoration of All Saints’ Day had become a Spaskultur zum Opfer. Protestants who see their Reformationstag in Gefahr. Theologian Manfred Becker-Huberti said the design for Halloween was written in a top hat with a top hat. Take a look at the festival “Nicht das Zeug zum Winterkarneval”. St. Martin’s Day and Nicholas Day, Advent and Christmas Day can no longer be included in the Rank so quickly.