Horror-Tat! Tochter soll Mutter köpft and Leichenteile bought haben

Horror-Tat! Tochter soll Mutter köpft and Leichenteile bought haben

This shaky story is stuck in the Halloween horror films – but it is a scary reality. An alarmist scaremonger from the police of Bourbon County in Kentucky (USA) is one of the most recent results in a basic piece. Danach has attacked Hauseigentümerin Torilena Fields and “laute Verwünschungen gegen mich and meine Kollegen ausgesprochen”. If the police had started before us, the war would not have started yet.

Grusel-Mord in Kentucky (USA): Suspected war with a blind eye

Laut the protocols of the Kentucky State Police, which is lightly broadcast by TV-Sender WLWT, can take the beam out of a dirty mat in the garden. A Blutspur has done its Hintertür. On the veranda, the shocked police are shocked from the torso: “Die Arme, Beine, der Kopf und de inner organic fehlten. Die Haare lagen auf een Haufen daneben.“

Der Sender WCPO 9 News said that Haus, in der die Horror-Tat geschah.

Der Sender WCPO 9 News said that Haus, in der die Horror-Tat geschah.WCPO 9 News / Photo über Youtube

Torilena Fields refuses herself, from the house of her bowls. A SWAT Specialty trades fast eleven Stunden with my hour, but not yet voluntarily from the house comb and its wider stand-off position. Laut Polizeiprotokoll “were in your Face, in your Hands and in your Clothing with Blutflecken übersät”. Im Haus erwartete die Polizisten dann der Höhepunkt des Horrors: Laut Bericht fanden ie “a Topf with Leichenteilen, which were bought – that Wasser war noch warm”.

Laut Polizei wurde Torilena Fields (32) for the first roads Leichenfledderei and Verschleierung a Straftat festgenommen. A spokesperson for the Kentucky State Police said: “The identification of the victims could not be determined until after the autopsy. Erwarten, weitere Anklagepunkte hinzukommen.“ US-Medien schreiben, de zerstückelte Leiche sei die Mutter der 32-Jährigen, Trudy Fields. Torilena Fields must remain silent on the Kaution bis on Weiteres in Untersuchungshaft bleiben. ■