“Im Zweifel sterben Menschen”: Expert demands better Cybersecurity in Clinics

“Im Zweifel sterben Menschen”: Expert demands better Cybersecurity in Clinics

Expert: Krankenhäuser will carry out a cyber attack

“My Eindhoven is, that IT Security in Krankenhäusern is as bad as in the Wirtschaft,” says the IT Security expert MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT. If we all have a problem, the Krankenhäuser has an important function for the Gesellschaft-hätten. “I am Zweifelsfall sterben Menschen, when a Krankenhaus got a Cyberangriffs-ausfällt.”

Since 2022, the health care providers will be treated well in Germany and will be able to improve their IT system. Kogler complains, that the Gesetzgeber aber keine konkreten Standards vorgegeben habe. “There is no one from Amtswegen in the Krankenhäuser and control, ob the IT Security ist.” Aus Sicht von Kogler bestht more urgent handlungbedarf. IT security in the Krankenhäusern must be improved.

IT security in Krankenhäusern must be self-improving

Der Unternehmer is white, wovon is spricht. The company specializes in simulating cyber attacks in the Auftrag of Krankenhäusern, Behorden or Unternehmen. “Wir focuses on those tests that do not cause harm, but it is possible to be so worried that Cyberangriffs can use their schützen.”